Tuesday, March 11, 2008

My first work on a stone. March 8th&9th, 2008.
Created this from a piece of Marble, roughly 2 inches x 1 inches x 0.5 inches, Tool: Knife
Model and Inspiration: My own hand
The graph rises and falls. As you carve, the order sets in. It grows to its beauty. You have to judge the point when you should stop. Coz as you carve more, with your innocent intention of giving finishing touches, it starts coming down. And then you repent.


Sunday, October 29, 2006

This ancient Egyptian piece of rock bears the face of Anubis, the ancient jackal-headed God of the Dead in Egyptian Mythology. The scriptures that feature on it are supposed to contains rhyme that summon the dead souls. This rare and ancient egyptian piece of rock painting was prepared by me on 24th of October'06.

Saturday, July 22, 2006

My only piece of art in my possession... Ambitious to possess a sword, I carved this one in start of Year 2006... from a broken drumstick. It's sharp enough for a murder.

Sunday, December 18, 2005

Dated start of July 2005. Length of sword approx 3 inches.
This is my first and only Wooden Sculpture. It was a piece of wooden twig I picked up one fine morning when I had just entered IIML. Paper knife was the instrument used.
They instruct: "While performing Wood Carving, be careful to avoid stains... especially blood stains."

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

"But It Rained" is what I will name it when this is completed (and if it gets completed). Lying on my table since months, this is a half-done painting. What u see in this pic is the upper half. U can see the other half still incomplete.
The nice thing about this painting is that almost everyone who has heard whats gonna be in the other half has asked me not to paint this painting.

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

This painting has a history. There was a point in my life when I decided to paint my masterpiece. Then I realized I didnt know how to bring a contiuous variation in color shades. Hence prepared a small practice painting before I would do the masterpiece. This is the practise painting.
It is a different story that I never did the masterpiece.